Domy szkieletowe – jak wybrać dobrych fachowców?

Frame houses – how to choose good professionals?

Frame houses – how to choose good professionals? There are many myths around the technology of building frame houses. One of the frequently repeated is the lack of skills of our native professionals. Frame houses require precision and work with other materials, therefore professionals building this type of houses must have appropriate knowledge and experience in this field. However, does this mean that no one in Poland can deal with the skeleton technology?

Problems in the construction of frame houses

At the outset, it should be noted that frame houses were developed as houses that can be built by anyone with basic building skills, the right materials and following a plan.

Frame houses do not require advanced “wet” works (except for foundations), so the only difficulty will be the correct positioning and fastening of individual construction elements. In addition, frame houses are light, so they do not require heavy equipment or specialized tools. They are also built much faster than traditional houses.

A frame house can be erected within a few weeks. In addition, any errors can be fixed much faster and easier than in the case of brick houses. It is enough to simply dismantle the troublesome element.

Assembling a frame house is a bit like laying blocks. Everything is ready, all you have to do is, following the plan, assemble the prepared elements. So where is the catch? It can be difficult to follow the plan precisely. In the case of brick houses, many elements are corrected and modified on an ongoing basis, depending on the problems encountered or changing vision, e.g. when it turns out that the connection to the sewage system must be located in a different place.

There is no such possibility in frame houses. Each change means that a given element of the structure is entirely to be thrown away. Beams are adapted to a specific layout. We can’t change it. The project must be adapted to the place where the house will stand from start to finish.

The second problem is the assembly itself. Unless it requires advanced equipment, accuracy is essential. Any gaps in the connection of boards, in insulation or other shortcomings can cause thermal bridges or expose the wood to moisture and fungus. If someone does not have a perfectionist jam, he may have a problem with the correct assembly of individual modules.

Frame houses and Polish professionals

Skeleton technology is just gaining popularity in Poland, which is why many companies still do not decide to include the possibility of assembling frame houses in their offer, because it still seems unprofitable. Other companies that build this type of houses have limited facilities, so there is not enough time to complete all orders.

Therefore, people who want to build a house in this technology may have difficulty finding the right professionals. And this may result in ordering the assembly of the house to pseudo-professionals who have no experience in building this type of house. And this is how myths about weak professionals in Poland are created.

If we plan to build a frame house, the best solution will be to choose a company that specializes in this technology, has its own architects who prepare designs or adapt the offered house plans to individual needs and cooperate with a sawmill. Thanks to this, we can order a whole frame house and not worry about materials or a plan. This is the most convenient way out, which should provide us with a professionally performed service that we will be satisfied with.

Frame houses and wood

One of the problems that contributed to the creation of a not very good opinion about frame houses in Poland were problems with obtaining the right wood.

Skeleton technology appeared in Poland in the 1990s and its beginnings were extremely difficult. First of all, there was a lack of proper wood processing and knowledge about proper thermal insulation. Therefore, many people began to believe that frame houses are uneconomical and difficult to heat.

Wood was most often imported from the Scandinavian countries, because in our domestic sawmills the method of processing for timber frame technology was not yet known. And this generated additional costs.

This has now changed. In Polish sawmills, we can order good quality wood, kiln dried and planed on four sides, which ensures the best resistance to pests and fire. At the same time, the increase in wood processing in Polish sawmills meant that in the event of a defect, we can obtain a replacement much faster.

Companies that specialize in frame technology already offer ready-made plans and materials, so we don’t have to worry about choosing a sawmill. At the same time, we now have a much larger selection of wood that will be used to build a house. At any time, we can check whether the wood has the appropriate quality certificates.

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